Working in oil and gas industry is mostly everyone's dream. Especially an engineering student like me. There are so many reasons such as high standard of working, salary, career path, future prospect, etc. Oil and gas industry is an industry with high risk and also high return. It also explained why oil and gas industry has a higher standard (working and salary) than other industries.
In Indonesia, one of the most admired company in oil and gas industry is Pertamina. Almost everyone I met said his/her interest in joining this big company. This state owned company is a main contributor to Indonesia Budget (APBN). Moreover, Pertamina has many business unit in oil and gas from upstream to downstream. One of its subsidiaries is Pertamina EP which is the main contributor to Pertamina's profit.
Pertamina EP is a company that I applied on April 2013 in ITB Job Fair. I have passed all the recruitment process and now waiting for the final anouncement to see whether I am acceptable or not to join Pertamina EP. Based on information I got from HRD of Pertamina EP, they will give the final anouncement next week. Can't wait. Hehe.
This time I will share about all of the recruitment process I've been following in Pertamina EP. I hope it will be helpful to you if you want to apply in Pertamina.
First, administration screening. To pass this process, you must make sure that you are in line with the requirement of Pertamina EP. Check your GPA, TOEFL, Educational Major, University accreditation, etc and match with the requirement asked. And if you pass all the requirement, you will be invited to the next process which is Psychological Test. When I applied to Pertamina EP for the first time on April 2013, I must wait almost a month until I got notification from Pertamina EP that I passed administration screening and was invited to Psychological Test.
Second, Psychological Test. I always remember that this test was held on my birth date. Yup, May 30th 2013 I followed Psychological Test in Bandung. Complete IST, PAPI, Wartegg Test, Draw-a-man test, and Draw-a-tree test are types of this Psychological Test. This test would take time about 5-6 hours. I remember starting this test about 8 a.m and finishing it about 13.30 p.m. Then again, I had to wait one month to get the result of this test. And thank God, I passed it and I was invited to the next process which is English Test. What a very good birthday's gift. Hehe.
Third, English Test. This test was did online. So I had to make sure that my internet connection was good. I take this test on July 11th 2013. There were 100 questions with mutiple choice answers. I was ordered to finish this online tes within one hour. All you need to do to pass this test is extending your knowledge about english grammar and enriching yourself with vocabulary. Like the last two test, I must wait a month to get email from Pertamina EP that informed me about the result of this test. And thanks God, again, I passed this test and was invited to follow the next process which is User Interview and Medical Check Up (MCU).
Fourth, User Interview + MCU. User Interview was held on Agust, 26th 2013 at Holliday Inn Hotel in Bandung. I was interviewed by three employees of Pertamina EP. They were come from HRD, User, and HSE Department. They interviewed me within 40 minutes and asking some question about my motivation in applying Pertamina, engineering knowledge, my final project, organization activities, personal data, and things I had written in my CV. The next day, I followed MCU test at Borromeus Hospital in Bandung. The result of this process came two month later. Yes two month! That is a very long time to wait, isn't it? But i was very grateful because i got email from Pertamina EP that informed me about my succes to pass this process. Then i was invited to follow the final test, which is Top Management Interview.
Fifth and the last process, Top Management Interview. Top Management Interview was held on October 23rd, 2013 in Jakarta at Standard Chartered Tower, which is the head office of Pertamina EP. I was interview by three top management of Pertamina. They are VP Surface Facility, GM Asset 3, and HRD. I was shocked to know that the VP of Surface Facility was a bataknese. Hehe. Proud to be a bataknese. By the way, they interviewed me for 15-20 minutes. They asked about my personal data, organization, salary, and my willingness to be placed all over Indonesia. I must honestly say that I was nervous in this interview. But I still can think clearly to answer all the questions. And I think, I did it well.
That is all the recruitment process i have followed in Pertamina EP. I hope soon I will receive a glad anouncement that i am accepted as an employee in Pertamina EP. I hope. :)