Thursday, November 28, 2013

Song : Jadikan Aku Indah

Ku datang ya Bapa dalam kerinduan
Memandang keindahanMu
Kuberikan s'galanya semuanya yang ada
Ku ingin menyenangkan hatimu oh Tuhan

Jadikan aku indah yang Kau pandang mulia
Seturut karyaMu di dalam hidupku
Ajarku berharap hanya kepa-daMu
Taat dan setia  kepadaMu Tuhan

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Akhirnya, di Pertamina EP Ku Berlabuh

Semenjak dikukuhkan sebagai sarjana ITB April 2013, saya sudah mulai bergerak untuk mencari pekerjaan. Di akhir bulan April 2013, ITB mengadakan Job Fair yang rutin diadakan 2 kali setahun (April dan Oktober). Di Job Fair itulah saya melamar di salah satu perusahaan plat merah terkemuka di Indonesia dan bahkan sudah mulai mendunia, Pertamina EP.

April 2013 saya pertama kali melamar di Pertamina EP. Dan sekarang November 2013 saya akhirnya berlabuh juga di perusahaan penyumbang profit Pertamina terbesar ini. Sudah hampir 8 bulan penantian. Pun sudah ada beberapa perusahaan yang hampir "meminang" saya. Tetapi karena suatu komitmen dan pertimbangan penting lainnya, saya memilih untuk tetap menganggur dahulu (stay di Bandung) sambil menyiapkan diri memasuki dunia kerja. And it is all worth it!

Penantian dan perjuangan berakhir manis dengan diterimanya saya sebagai salah satu peserta BPS Pertamina EP 2013.Tepatnya 14 November 2013 menjadi salah satu hari bersejarah bagi saya karena saat itulah saya mendapat email pemberitahuan bahwa saya diterima sebagai peserta program BPS Pertamina EP 2013. Sebuah program yang diplot bagi para future leaders Pertamina dan anak-anak perusahaannya

Sekarang, peluang untuk bertumbuh dan belajar di Oil n Gas Industry terbuka lebar. Pertamina dengan bisnis yang besar dari hulu sampai hilir menjanjikan peluang karir, peluang belajar, dan tentunya kesejahteraan pekerjanya. Hehe.

Terimakasih Tuhan untuk kesempatan berharga ini.
Tak perlu kuatir akan hari esok, karena Kau sudah ada disana.
I know Who holds the future!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Selamat Hari Pahlawan!

Jika mengingat dan meneliti kembali sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia, kita akan menemukan fakta bahwa :
  1. Perjuangan meraih kemerdekaan selalu digerakkan oleh tokoh-tokoh pemuda (bukan kakek nenek ataupun anak-anak). Pemuda!
  2. Perjuangan meraih kemerdekaan selalu digerakkan oleh kaum terdidik dan terpelajar.
Saya sebagai seorang pemuda dan sekaligus yang diberi kesempatan mengecap pendidikan yang baik seakan disentil oleh kedua fakta diatas. Harus disadari bahwa saya memiliki modal tenaga ala anak muda dan pikiran ala kaum terdidik untuk bisa membawa bangsa Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang besar. Kepada siapa lagi bangsa ini menaruh harapan besar kalau bukan pada saya, anda, kita semua para pemuda yang terdidik.

Selamat Hari Pahlawan.
Semoga Ibu Pertiwi terus melahirkan para pahlawan yang terus berjuang di segala zaman dalam membawa bangsa Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang besar.

Bung Tomo, tokoh pemuda yang terdidik dan pejuang kemerdekaan Indonesia

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hanya Dekat Allahku

One of my favorite song. Well sung by Nikita.

Hanya dekat Allahku
Rasa tenang hatiku
Kau sertai jalanku
Spanjang hidupku

Hanya dekat pada-Mu
Ada kekuatan baru
Kaulah perlindunganku

Kuingin slalu bersekutu dengan-Mu
Menikmati hadirat-Mu
Biarlah Roh-Mu tinggal dalam hidupku
Sungguh indah bersama-Mu selamanya

If God Is Dead..

I ever watched a film titled "Abraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter". Of course from the tittle we know that film is a kind of fiction. But there is an interesting statement i got from that film. In one scene, The antagonist character said that human is naturally "enslaved" by something, whether is a conviction, hunger for power, love, money, etc.

That statement make me think again the inevitable truth about human's nature that God himself create human with hunger for Him. If we look back in a history of human kind, ancient humans have some kind of sense of admiration or fear to thunder, big mountain, rock, tree, and so on. They worshiped it all. I think that is an evindence of our longing to God himself. Somewhere in our heart, we believe that there is a great power beyond us as a human that control all the universe. But as all human have sinned, we will never able to know Him correctly except He reveal himself to us. The imperfect will never reach the perfect one. It is only God who has the initiative to reach human, not the opposite.

In my humble opinion, i think the very basic of our hunger, is our hunger for love. We want to love and be loved simply because it will make us feel happy and joyful. Love is the basic human need. In love there is respect, charity, goodness, and meekness. Is not that what we are looking for in life? Christian faith said that God is Love. And it also means that we should need God. For God is love itself.

But, how if human choose to deny the existence of God?

Again, i think, it is not possible. If we deny God's existence, somebody/something must take His place, for we are created with hunger for Him. We must make gods for ourself if we chose to deny God.

Malcom Muggridge once said briliantly :
“If God is dead, somebody is going to have to take his place. It will be megalomania or erotomania, the drive for power or the drive for pleasure, the clenched fist or the phallus, Hitler or Hugh Hefner.”
 So please do not seek pleasure beyond God himself for there is no such thing ever existed. I belive, if we try to seek happines/joyful/pleasure beyond God, we will end up in regret. Human is created to be "enslaved" to God. Because He himself who created us. We will always hungry for Him. Of course for our own good. That is what i belive.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Recruitment Process In Pertamina EP

Working in oil and gas industry is mostly everyone's dream. Especially an engineering student like me. There are so many reasons such as high standard of working, salary, career path, future prospect, etc. Oil and gas industry is an industry with high risk and also high return. It also explained why oil and gas industry has a higher standard (working and salary) than other industries.

In Indonesia, one of the most admired company in oil and gas industry is Pertamina. Almost everyone I met said his/her interest in joining this big company. This state owned company is a main contributor to Indonesia Budget (APBN). Moreover, Pertamina has many business unit in oil and gas from upstream to downstream. One of its subsidiaries is Pertamina EP which is the main contributor to Pertamina's profit.

Pertamina EP is a company that I applied on April 2013 in ITB Job Fair. I have passed all the recruitment process and now waiting for the final anouncement to see whether I am acceptable or not to join Pertamina EP. Based on information I got from HRD of Pertamina EP, they will give the final anouncement next week. Can't wait. Hehe.

This time I will share about all of the recruitment process I've been following in Pertamina EP. I hope it will be helpful to you if you want to apply in Pertamina.

First, administration screening. To pass this process, you must make sure that you are in line with the requirement of Pertamina EP. Check your GPA, TOEFL, Educational Major, University accreditation, etc and match with the requirement asked. And if you pass all the requirement, you will be invited to the next process which is Psychological Test. When I applied to Pertamina EP for the first time on April 2013, I must wait almost a month until I got notification from Pertamina EP that I passed administration screening and was invited to Psychological Test.

Second, Psychological Test. I always remember that this test was held on my birth date. Yup, May 30th 2013 I followed Psychological Test in Bandung. Complete IST, PAPI, Wartegg Test, Draw-a-man test, and Draw-a-tree test are types of this Psychological Test. This test would take time about 5-6 hours. I remember starting this test about 8 a.m and finishing it about 13.30 p.m. Then again, I had to wait one month to get the result of this test. And thank God, I passed it and I was invited to the next process which is English Test. What a very good birthday's gift. Hehe.

Third, English Test. This test was did online. So I had to make sure that my internet connection was good. I take this test on July 11th 2013. There were 100 questions with mutiple choice answers. I was ordered to finish this online tes within one hour. All you need to do to pass this test is extending your knowledge about english grammar and enriching yourself with vocabulary. Like the last two test, I must wait a month to get email from Pertamina EP that informed me about the result of this test. And thanks God, again, I passed this test and was invited to follow the next process which is User Interview and Medical Check Up (MCU).

Fourth, User Interview + MCU. User Interview was held on Agust, 26th 2013 at Holliday Inn Hotel in Bandung. I was interviewed by three employees of Pertamina EP. They were come from HRD, User, and HSE Department. They interviewed me within 40 minutes and asking some question about my motivation in applying Pertamina, engineering knowledge, my final project, organization activities, personal data, and things I had written in my CV. The next day, I followed MCU test at Borromeus Hospital in Bandung. The result of this process came two month later. Yes two month! That is a very long time to wait, isn't it? But i was very grateful because i got email from Pertamina EP that informed me about my succes to pass this process. Then i was invited to follow the final test, which is Top Management Interview.

Fifth and the last process, Top Management Interview. Top Management Interview was held on October 23rd, 2013 in Jakarta at Standard Chartered Tower, which is the head office of Pertamina EP. I was interview by three top management of Pertamina. They are VP Surface Facility, GM Asset 3, and HRD. I was shocked to know that the VP of Surface Facility was a bataknese. Hehe. Proud to be a bataknese. By the way, they interviewed me for 15-20 minutes. They asked about my personal data, organization, salary, and my willingness to be placed all over Indonesia. I must honestly say that I was nervous in this interview. But I still can think clearly to answer all the questions. And I think, I did it well.

That is all the recruitment process i have followed in Pertamina EP. I hope soon I will receive a glad anouncement that i am accepted as an employee in Pertamina EP. I hope. :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cast Away

This night, I spend my time watching movie  titled "Cast Away". Tom Hanks is the main actor of this great movie. IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) gave scoreof  7.6 (out of 10) for this movie. But I think this movie is deserved to get more. So,I my self will give 8.3 for this movie. 

This movie tells about a story of a Fedex Executive (Chuck played by Tom Hanks) who  must survive a crash landing on a deserted island. For some people, the scenes, where Chuck must survive on the island by doing monologue talking and acting, maybe make them feel boring. But I think different. I think that scenes showed me the true spirit of life. I can't imagine how a man not cracking under horrible condition like that. Alone in an island, there are no proper food to eat, clothes to use, bed for rest, or a room for protection. You never know whether wild animals will disturb you today when you sleep.

This movie is also talk about the power of hope. I believe each of us must have a hope. Hope will makes us stand when the storms come. Hope will gives us the spirit and power to get through from any problems in life.

This movie is ended by a closing statement of Chuck. I think this is a great statement to end this movie and give us a lesson to take. I quoted bellow
Cause I was never gonna get off that island. I was gonna die there, totally alone. I mean, I was gonna get sick or I was gonna get injured or something. The only choice I had, the only thing I could control...was when and how...and where that was gonna happen. So... I made a rope. And I went up to the summit to hang myself. But I had to test it, you know ? Of course. You know me. And the weight of the log... snapped the limb of the tree. So l-l- I couldn't even kill myself the way I wanted to. I had power over nothing. 
And that's when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket. I knew... somehow... that I had to stay alive. Somehow. I had to keep breathing, even though there was no reason to hope. And all my logic said that I would never see this place again. So that's what I did. I stayed alive. I kept breathing. And then one day that logic was proven all wrong, because the tide... came in, gave me a sail. And now, here I am. I'm Memphis, talking to you. I have ice in my glass. And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. 
But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow, the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring ?
(Tom Hanks as Chuck, Cast Away)