
Thursday, January 5, 2012

status facebook

Tetapi seperti ada tertulis: "Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia: semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia
Warning! : My note this time contains unsur-unsur kegalauan. Please understand. But I decided to write it  down because I wanted this to be a part of my history in life. Hahaha
Zaman sejarah dan prasejarah hanya dipisahkan oleh tulisan saja
I always remember that this 1 Korintus 2 : 9 (verse given above) is my spiritual brother's status (Bang Hendra Tampang Allo) on facebook when he published his relationship with his girlfriend. I never had gave my attention to this verse until my spiritual brother made it as his facebook's status. When i saw his status using this verse, I realized that if we as a believer loved God heartfully, trusted Him and surrendered only to Him, then God promised to give the best for us, even the things which we didnt even thinking before. Ibaratnya nih, kita berdoa memohon biar Tuhan ngasih laptop buat keperluan kuliah, eh Tuhan tambahin dengan ngasih Ransel.Padahal kita belum pernah kepikiran buat beli ransel kita yang emang udah mulai rusak. Ya, that is just a model. My point is, God will provide everything we need if we want to love Him heartfuly.

This morning, i my self, make the same thing as my spiritual brother ever did on my facebook's status. But not because i published a relationship with a girl, but because one of two girl whom i like now, has published her relationship with her boyfriend. Hahahahaa..Ya, saya sedikit terkejut dan shock (halah!). But it is okay. Maybe she is not the one (asseekkk). Lagian "pergerakan" saya pun tidak ada. wajar aja..hehehe.

It is time to "hunting" another girl. hahaha


  1. sadis gan, awak baru baca yang ini lah.. Haha..
    ternyata setelah hampir setaun lebih berlalu, semua sudah berubah ya lek? :D

  2. hahaha...
    yoiii lekk... everything has changed.
    we dont know about tomorrow, but we know Who holds tomorrow
